Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Egyptian Union of Liberal Youth in cooperation with
fridrich nauman

The report of the workshop

The problems faced by liberal in Egyptian society

September 2007
They said at the workshop

" you must make your own Egyptian liberalism "
" we Europeans have to work with more diplomatic and Wise way in the middle east "
Dr: Ronald Mainrdos

" In liberalism .... Sovereignty is for the State only"
"Secularism means the world Explain itself by itself "
"Saying that secularism is v. raligion its a fanatasy"
Dr: Refaat Lakosha

"The Egyptian civil society is weak and flimsy"
Mr. : saber Nayel

Sovereignty is for the State ... only" "
Mr : Amr el bakly

"One of the most important things in modern law that it defines the tasks"
Mr : Ahmed abd alhfez

"Those who returned from Gulf country's are the main obstacle to reform and modernize Egypt"

"In absence culture of rights, the man return to the begining to rely on -------and return women to use her feminity"

Dr . kamal mogeth

"We need mechanism for building consensus"
Mr . Ashrf radi

First day

· First session …. Dr . Ronald Mainados

In this session Dr, Ronald talked about fridrich nauman Foundation and its role specially in Egypt
he mentionned also that the youth should hace their own liberalism thats should be convenable to the egyptian circumstances
a question was asked about the effectivity of fridrich on liberalism at Egypt and if it changed something or not
he answered that fridrich nauman first worked in development at ismalya and now it focus on projects concerning the culture and the improvement, and added that this part of the world "the middle east"is one of the hard olaces to work in because of the insert of the washignton military
and this is one of points that make liberalism so weak.
also he talked about the trainings and the education offered by the fridrich
and finally he said that this workshop is 100% Egyptian because participants , organizers ,and who will give lectures are Egyptians
at last he purposed that we should solve the liberalism problems in Egypt


· Second session ….. Dr. Rafaat Lakosha
Political liberalism

This session concerning Political liberalism
Dr. lakosha startedthe session by talking about political parties at egypt and what is the description of a liberal party and how we can make liberal party in the Egyptian society .

· Third session …… Mr. saber Nayel
Civil society in liberal country

In this session , Mr . saber as a political and an humanrights activist he discussed the role of the "civil society "at a liberal state
he began by introducing whats the civil society and the historical part of the existance of this notion
he also presented the relation between the liberal state and the civil society, and the role of democracy,the sovereignty of law in improving the role of the civil spciety
he finished his speech by presenting the egyptian civil society at the liberal period since 1919 to 1952 in Egypt and its role at this period.

· Forth session …… Dr. Rafaat Lakosha
Free market

Dr. Lakosha presented his vision about economic liberal system and his historical background and the relation between capitalism and liberalism
he discussed also several axes concerning the free movement of capital and goods, and the value of competition under the protection of equal opportunity and equal status, and value of information transparency as a factor to measure the competitive market and protect it from corruption and thus protect the middle class to bear market distortions.
Dr. rafaat ended by discussing the current economic situation in Egypt, and the causes of the economic crisis and the role of the private sector in the development process.

Second day

· First session …….. Mr. Ahmed Abd ALhafez
Egyptian Constitution and laws

a view on the historical development of the constitutionnel and law thoughts at egypt and the current constitutionnel and legal situation

Mr. abdalhfeez as an attorny at law and an human rights activist talked about The historical background and the evolution of the legal and constitutional thoughts in Egypt throw periods of Egyptian history , the first one started from 1868 the period of the KHEDOUAI Isamil and the shura's law consul amd the evolutions occured at egypt mainly on egyptian legal system as a result of the english occupation and this period ended by the revolution of 1919 and the independance of egypt from the Othman's occupation and consequently all the evolutions of politics and legal ideas
and the second one started from 1923 with the constitution of 1923 and the beging of the egyptian independance and he saw that despite the presence of a lot of liberties the disputes thats existed between the king and the english and the wafd party allowed the violation of alot of laws that make the constitutionnel system so weak
the third one from 1952 to 1967 despite the inexistence of many individual liberties and the presence of the communist system economically and poliyically but there were coimcidence the political system and the legality of the state and till 1967 begun a new period that ended at 1977
and finally and the last period begin from 1977, the authority begin to do political reforms that focused on liberalism and constitutionnel reform

· Second session …….. Mr. Amr EL bakly
the political culture existed

analysing The current relation between the individual and states and the effect on individual freedoms , and the effect of the current culture on the foreign and internal policy

Mr. Amr El bakly member of Egyptian union of liberal youth talked about his vision of the political culture and the impact of the current relationship between the individual and the State to formulate political process, and consequently on the results of the arrival of the military to authority and the subsequent consolidation of the values of inclusiveness ended by the complete absence of democratic values in the management of any political battle, and may also offer some political currents posed by the consolidation of the idea of the tyranny of the majority, contrary to liberal democracy and therefore refused to reduce democracy in the ballot box, and ended by talking of the necessity of giving priority to the values of dialogue, negotiation and compromise in order to reach a general consensus on how to access the state of liberalism that we seek.

Third day

· First session ……… Dr. Kamal Mougth
Social Upbringing and how it effects despite the absence of liberalism: Relationship between individual and Society and the effect of medias, education, on the social culture

Dr. Kamal Muhith presented his vision about the current status of the educational process, which suffers from the defects and thenecessity to transform it from the shed to teach the mind to work and think, and then making all the facts relative to the established culture including student research, and the level of information
he confirmed the need to provide equal opportunities for all in the media, whether at the political level or social, and termination of the prohibitions and taboos sacred away from the media discussion, and also the need to remove all discriminations renforced by the medias among citizens based on sex, religion or race, At the religious level discourse, he stressed the need to eliminate state control over religious institutions and the development of religious discourse in line with the times and going, he ended that we need to entrench the culture of dialogue between the sons of one homeland.

· Sound session …….. Mr. Ashrf Radi
the difference between consensus and unanimity
The Absence of the Value of General Consensus

Mr. Radi discussed the difference between the concept of unanimity and consensus, and the relationship between the absence of consensus on core issues and the absence of democracy and the marginalization of certain social groups, and the relationship of the individual state records confirming that the absence of general consensus is one manifestation of the relationship between the imbalance individual and the State, and gave an example including revenge on the controversial constitutional amendments put forward at the recent public discussion and what followed from the lack of consensus on the status of privatization and the religion-state relationship and the determinants of political action.


First day

· The political system work group

1. The point which the group had to discuss
2. what is the role of the state .
3. parliamentary or presidential system would be preferable

· the groups opinion :
1. about the role of the sate :
2. the groups agreed that the role of the state is : to management the strategic fields and to make sure about law Execution

3. they prefer the parliamentary political system.

· The economic work group
The groups agreed that privatizing process must go on but with more transparency and believe that Egypt have better chances in the field of agriculture.
The state must give the Investors the full chance and all the Advantages to attract more investments to Egypt .

The second day

· The Secularism and the individual freedoms workgroup

There was some points the groups talked about such as :
The group opinion about the religious parties and the different between a religious party and a party with a religious reference .

The groups discuss the relation between the state and " El Azhar " and the church and the role which the state supposed to do to the religious minorities in Egypt .

The groups agreed that the citizenship is for all the Egyptian without any discrimination between the Egyptian cause of the believes.

freedom of opinion and expression are for all the Egyptian in all fields and the state shouldn’t discriminate between Egyptian citizens cause of their gender .

a part of the discussion was about " The egyptian identity " and how we can describe Egypt throw ages.
The third day

· Media and parties workgroup

It was a general discussion that begun with brainstorming about the word " media " and then the " liberal media " and " the liberal party media ".
Then there was a discussion about the important issues and cases and the important topics like " the Bahai's case " and what was the opinion of the liberal parties in Egypt and how they deal with this important case in the media .

· Advantages

1. the organizing.
2. the ice –breakers between the parties especially with the members of NDP
3. the issues and the topics .

· disadvantages

1. the schedule was too full
2. didn’t have the schedule before the work shop
3. the presenters didn’t spend enough time with the group especially in the workgroups .


اتحاد الشباب الليبرالي المصرى


Egyptian Union of Liberal Youth